Saturday, July 4, 2009


So in most cases I'm a pretty big Trey Songz fan. He puts in work prolly better than anyone in R&B right now behind Ne-Yo. Now while on first listen I think his new mixtape (Anticipation: download link) is a snoozer and that "LOL" joint with Gucci & Soulja is a radiating turd, I dig pretty much all of his freestyles as of late. As well as this song.

Stargate handles production on this track. Talking about rhythm & blues lately ... what good song hasn't Stargate handled in recent years? But anyways, due to Ma$e's latest attempt at a comeback, this track caught my attention again. While I'm doing my internal investigation into my iTunes of songs I didn't remember I had, I found the demo over the same gorgeous acoustic instrumental. Now, dead serious, I don't know which version I like better. Trey Songz does some really great things with his voice on this one, like he does on darn near every track, but Johnta has those pure vocals that come from a dude who's been in the background of the industry and hasn't been forced to change the way he naturally sounds even one iota. But here's still hoping for a day when Austin'll keep a single for himself that'll stick on the radio. But so is the strife of a professional ghostwriter. Oh well.

... but do take my word for it.

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so what did ya think about whatever the heck i wrote?