Monday, November 17, 2008

More of Bob

I'm gonna force this dude on you. Ha!

Him and Charles Hamilton are both the dude right now to me. And I'mma write up the Hamiltonization Process in its entirety in a lil' while, so expect that dopeness.

Not that any of B.o.B's music was old, but this tape has extra freshness like the loose end songs I posted on that other write up. Most of the songs are short and sweet, with a hilarious "Double Bubble" freestyle elaboration to me, even though you prolly don't know the retarded Stat Quo original. It was the first B.o.B feature I ever heard I guess, even though it was never tagged as such that I know of. I guess I'll just post it then. Ha!

Who knew? But like I highlighted last time, B.o.B is apparently the only dude in the world who knows how to make good interludes. They're hilarious and actually have replay value. But hey, the music's great, too. Surprise, surprise.

... and so concludes another masterpiece

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so what did ya think about whatever the heck i wrote?